Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Advent Special Lesson 1

Read Luke 1:26-56 to your group of kids. Say, "When we think of Mary and Joseph, (you can hold up a nativity scene or figurine), we may think they were chosen because they were such "good" people. Through the decades, master painters have painted these two people with elaborate clothing and halos. But that is not how the Bible describes them. They were young, regular people who simply trusted God. And because they trusted God, God chose them to care for His Son-the savior of the world.

Activity Option:
Memory Parcel-A multi-layered parcel, with a word from th Memory Verse wrapped in each layer. The memory verse is: "He will be called great and will be called the Son of the Most High." Luke 1:32
Directions: This game is like "Hot Potatoe". The children sit in a circle and the parcel is passed from child to child as the music plays. When the music stops, the parcel stops and the child holding it unwraps a layer. If there is a word from the verse inside, then the child stands out of the game with their word and is joined by other children with their words.
Once all the layers are unwrapped, the whole group solves the Memory verse and reads it through together a number of times.

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