Thursday, November 12, 2009

Lesson 12 Lesson Idea

Bible Point: There is one mediator between God and man, the man Jesus Christ.
Set-Up: Establish a large, square, playing area. Place a cone or marker at each of the four outer corners of the playing area. At the center of the area set up a cross, the larger the better. (You can make it from long cardboard tubes and wrap with black tape). Divide players into four teams. Give each team a Post-It notes pad and pencils for every player.
Have the players sit with their teams. Have each player write a prayer on a separate Post it note. Tell the players their prayer can be praise and thanksgiving prayers to God, they can be confessions, they can be about themselves, or about others. No one else needs to read your prayer. (Adults may need to help kids write prayer or they can draw their prayer).
Tell the players that the cross in the middle of the playing area represents Jesus, our Mediator. We will be taking our prayers directly to HIm.
How to Play:Have the teams line up behind each of the four cones. At the go, the first player from each team must race to the cross, kneel down on both knees, and place their Post-It note prayer onto the cross. Players return to their team line to tag off to the next player in line. Play continues as such until everyone has taken their prayers to Jesus, our Mediator!
How to Win:The first team to finish posting all their prayers, wins!

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