Thursday, December 3, 2009

Jesus Is Born Christmas Story Lesson

Activity: Limbo
Object: To get under the 'limbo stick' without touching it. Two leaders hold the stick between them at a height that is easy for the chidlren to walk under, and after all the children have passed under it, gradually lower the stick and eliminate each child who touches the stick while passing under.
Say, "Today we are looking at someone GREAT who humbled Himself so that others could better understand God's care for them.
-What was it like getting under the limbo stick in the beginning?
-How did the game change?
-What did you have to do to get under the stick when it was very low?
Say, "In a very different and special way, God made himself small, low and humble to come into our broken world to save us all from sin, and He did it at no cost to us. He did it because He loves us.
Then read from Luke 2 and talk with the children about the way Jesus came to this world:lowly and humbly.
-If you could give Jesus a birthday present, what would it be?
-How do you think Mary and Joseph felt as they made the long trip to Bethlehem?
-Why do you think God chose for His Son to be born in a barn?
-What do you think this says about God?

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