Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Easy Wins for Parents

God's command in Dueteronomy 6:7 is to repeat His commands again and again. The following are two simple opportunities that you can use to influence your child's faith.
1. Family Room Chalk Board-Frame an inexpensive chalk board and hang it in a prominent place in your family room where the message is unavoidable. Choose a scripture to write on the chalkboard once a month where your kids will read it over and over again. Toward the end of the month, ask your kids if they know the verse. If they don't know it quite yet, practice together and then switch the verse when they know it. This is a great way for your child to memorize at least 12 verses a year!! Talk about an easy win!

2. Bedtime Blessings-Pray biblical blessings over your child each night with bedtime blessing cards. You can keep these cards in your child's room and as part of his or her bedtime routine, pull out a card and read or pray the blessing over your child. You can checkout the bed-time blessing cards from the JF coffeehouse or you can order A Father's Guide to Blessing His Children by David Michael (complete with blessing cards) at childrendesiringGod.org

-Ideas taken from Children's Ministry Magazine by Brian Haynes

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