Thursday, January 7, 2010

Good Time for New Habits

This is a good time to start new habits. Teach your children to submit (another word for obey) to your family's rules by giving them a chart to mark their progress and make a habit.

For example: First, give them guidelines. Put toothpaste on the brush. Brush while you hum "Mary had a little lamb" or brush up and down, etc. Put your toothbrush in the holder. Then praise them when they do what they are told. Finally, put a sticker on a chart.

What might happen if you don't obey and brush your teeth? What if you just pretended to do it every night? (Eventually, you would get cavities and your teeth would hurt, etc.)

Why is it important to obey Mom and Dad's rules? (They want what is best for me; they want to take care of me, etc.)

Learning to submit to or obey one's parents is the first step to obeying God. Actually, when you obey Mom and Dad you are obeying God.

This idea taken from D6 Family:Splink

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