Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Year's Traditions Around the World

Celebrate the New Year with a new tradition from around the world.

On New Year's Day in Korea, the younger generations bow to older generations. For example, children bow to their parents, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. Parents bow to their parents.
After the bowing, older people give brand new money to the children.

You could start a new tradition where the children help plan, cook, and serve a meal to the adults on New Year's Day.

Another fun tradition from Spain is to give each person 12 grapes. When the clock strikes midnight (on New Year's Eve), they are to put a grape in their mouth each time the clock chimes. This started in Spain because one year there was a big grape harvest, so the king of Spain decided to give grapes to everybody to eat on New Year's Eve.

Google "New Year's traditions" for more fun ideas.

This Idea taking from Splink at

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

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Light of the World

When you trim the tree and light the lights, remind kids that Jesus is the light of the world. Read John 8:12 which records Jesus saying, "I am the light of the world: he that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."

Turn off the overhead lights; turn off the Christmas tree lights and sit quietly in the darkness.
Ask: How is this darkness like the darkness that is in the world?(without Jesus, you don't know the way to go to heaven, you can't see the way to go/live, you wouldn't be able to follow Jesus because you can't see Him, you are like empty bulbs with Jesus, etc.)

Turn the Christmas tree lights back on. Read John 8:12 again.
Ask: What does it mean that Jesus is the light of the world? (He shows you the way to go, He doesn't want you to stumble or fall in the darkness of sin, He shows you the way to heaven, etc.)

Sing a Christmas song.

This is from Splink

"The Shoe Maker"

Wrap an empty box (with a removable lid).
Ask: Who was born on Christmas? (Jesus)
What do you receive on your birthday? (Gifts)
How could we give Jesus a gift for His birthday?

Read the story of "The Shoemaker" (based on a story by Leo Tolstoy)

There once lived in the city of Marseilles an old shoemaker, loved and honored by his neighbors, who affectionately called him “Father Martin.”

One Christmas Eve, as he sat alone in his little shop reading of the visit of the Wise Men to the infant Jesus, and of the gifts they brought, he said to himself. “If tomorrow were the first Christmas, and if Jesus were to be born in Marseilles this night, I know what I would give Him!” He rose from his stool and took from a shelf overhead two tiny shoes of softest snow-white leather, with bright silver buckles. “I would give Him these, my finest work.”

Replacing the shoes, he blew out the candle and retired to rest. Hardly had he closed his eyes, it seemed, when he heard a voice call his name . . . ”Martin! Martin!”

Intuitively he felt a presence. Then the voice spoke again . . . ”Martin, you have wished to see Me. Tomorrow I shall pass by your window. If you see Me, and bid Me enter, I shall be your guest at your table.”

Father Martin did not sleep that night for joy. And before it was yet dawn he rose and swept and tidied up his little shop. He spread fresh sand upon the floor, and wreathed green boughs of fir along the rafters. On the spotless linen-covered table he placed a loaf of white bread, a jar of honey, and a pitcher of milk, and over the fire he hung a pot of tea. Then, he took up his patient vigil at the window.

Presently he saw an old street-sweeper pass by, blowing upon his thin, gnarled hands to warm them. “Poor fellow, he must be half frozen,” thought Martin. Opening the door he called out to him, “Come in, my friend, and warm, and drink a cup of hot tea.” And the man gratefully accepted the invitation.

An hour passed, and Martin saw a young, miserably clothed woman carrying a baby. She paused wearily to rest in the shelter of his doorway. The heart of the old cobbler was touched. Quickly he flung open the door.

“Come in and warm while you rest,” he said to her. “You do not look well,” he remarked.

“I am going to the hospital. I hope they will take me in, and my baby boy,” she explained. “My husband is at sea, and I am ill, without a soul.”

“Poor child!” cried Father Martin. “You must eat something while you are getting warm. No? Then let me give a cup of milk to the little one. Ah! What a bright, pretty fellow he is! Why, you have put no shoes on him!”

“I have no shoes for him,” sighed the mother sadly. “Then he shall have this lovely pair I finished yesterday.” And Father Martin took down from the shelf the soft little snow-white shoes he had admired the evening before. He slipped them on the child’s feet . . . they fit perfectly. Shortly the poor young mother left, two shoes in her hand and tearful with gratitude.

Father Martin resumed his post at the window. Hour after hour went by, and although many people passed his window, and many needy souls shared his hospitality, the expected Guest did not appear.

“It was only a dream,” he sighed, with a heavy heart. “I did believe; but he has not come.”

Suddenly, so it seemed to his weary eyes, the room was flooded with a strange light. And to the cobbler’s astonished vision there appeared before him, one by one, the poor street-sweeper, the sick mother and her child, and all the people he had helped during the day. And each smiled at him and said. “Have you not seen me? Did I not sit at your table?” Then they vanished.

At last, out of the silence, Father Martin heard again the gentle voice repeating the old familiar words. “Whosoever shall receive one such in My name, receiveth Me . . . for I was an hungered, and you gave Me meat; I was athirst, and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger, and you took Me in . . . verily I say unto you, inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these, you have done it unto Me” (Matthew 25:35-40).

Ask your kids to think of something they could give Jesus. Maybe your family could do something together for a needy family. Write what you're going to do on a piece of paper, put it in the box and set it under the tree as a gift for Jesus.

This is from Splink

Happy Birthday Jesus!

Make and decorate a birthday cake for Jesus. Invite friends or family to celebrate HIS birthday on Christmas. Read the Christmas story and play games.

Incarnation means that God did not leave us alone and separated from Him, but came to earth as a baby so we could be part of His family and be with Him forever.

This is from Splink

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Gift Card Redemption

To help your kids understand the concept of redemption, give each child a gift card to spend for Christmas. Take them to the store (or restaurant) to let them "redeem" it. Explain to them that they were able to spend it and buy what they wanted because you paid the price.

How is this like what Jesus did for us? (He paid the price for our sin so we could have salvation.)

This Idea from Splink

Faith Like Mary

Parent Newsletter


  1. Tools for Parenting Teens

  2. Learn Their Lingo

  3. Links to Learn From

  4. A Little Encouragement...And Humor

1. Tools for Parenting Teens


Faith Like Mary

Our hope this week is to prod our kids to be inspired by—and to aspire after—Mary’s faith. We hold her up as a role model not because she was extraordinary (which she was) but because she was also a normal…

Read More:

Featured Resource: Boundaries with Teens

In this exciting new book, Dr. Townsend gives important keys for establishing healthy boundaries—the bedrock of good relationships, maturity, safety, and growth for teens and the adults in their lives. The book offers help in raising your teens to take responsibility for their actions, attitudes, and emotions.

2. Learn Their Lingo

Elf-Esteem = The feeling of being overworked, underappreciated and like you don't exist to others during the holidays while in actuality the season's success depends on you.

Wiper Beat = When the windshield wipers on your car sync up with the music on your car radio.

3. Links to Learn From

Survey: 15 percent of teens get sexual text messages

Plasticizer may be tied to boys’ breast enlargement

Boy Sent Home For Drawing Of Crucifixion

4. A Little Encouragement...And Humor

The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other.

- Burton Hillis

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Wise Men Worship the King

Have some costumes/props ready and have kids act out the story as you or another reader, narrates the story from Matthew 2:1-12. Talk about the meaning of the gifts that the Magi brought to Him. Gold-represents purity and deity. Frankincense represents the fragrance of His perfect life. Myrrh, a spice used in burial, represents His sacrificial death for our sins. Talk about how the wisemen walked by faith to see Jesus. Pray with the kids to trust Him in every area of life just as the wise men trusted God to lead them to Jesus.
Activity Option-"Lead Me to Jesus" Star
Cut star shapes out of blue cardstock paper.
Have children decorate shapes with star stickers, glitter, etc.
Have children attach stickers with the verse Matthew 2:11(print on Avery Label #5160) to the star.
Attach ribbon "hangers to the top of the star and/or magnet strips to the back.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Jesus Is Born Christmas Story Lesson

Activity: Limbo
Object: To get under the 'limbo stick' without touching it. Two leaders hold the stick between them at a height that is easy for the chidlren to walk under, and after all the children have passed under it, gradually lower the stick and eliminate each child who touches the stick while passing under.
Say, "Today we are looking at someone GREAT who humbled Himself so that others could better understand God's care for them.
-What was it like getting under the limbo stick in the beginning?
-How did the game change?
-What did you have to do to get under the stick when it was very low?
Say, "In a very different and special way, God made himself small, low and humble to come into our broken world to save us all from sin, and He did it at no cost to us. He did it because He loves us.
Then read from Luke 2 and talk with the children about the way Jesus came to this world:lowly and humbly.
-If you could give Jesus a birthday present, what would it be?
-How do you think Mary and Joseph felt as they made the long trip to Bethlehem?
-Why do you think God chose for His Son to be born in a barn?
-What do you think this says about God?